2019 A.Christmann Gimmeldinger 'Biengarten' Spatburgunder
Place: Gimmeldingen – Pfalz, Germany
Variety: Pinot Noir
Farming: Biodynamic
The Christmann family have developed a stainless reputation for their riesling over the last two centuries, especially in the last three decades as they resurrected their Grosses Gewächs vineyard, Idig, now their flagship wine.
The Gimmeldinger Biengarten stretches over steep terraces and beautiful slopes of the Haardt mountains between Gimmeldingen and Königsbach along the edge of the Palatine forest. It is well protected from cold winds by a slight syncline. Thats why it is still used by beekeepers to this day, which gave the vineyards its name. The soil of the Biengarten is characterized by tertiary limestone marl, the Terra fusca, and lies on the same limestone reef as the Königsbach vineyards Idig and Ölberg in the northern vicinity. The old vines bear only few, loose grapes. This brings forth an incredibly fine, elegant Pinot Noir year after year.