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La Ferme Viticole Wine

We were first introduced to Bastien Boutareaud four years ago by our mutual great friend Brendan Keys (BK Wines) of Adelaide Hills notoriety.

Like many great producers, Bastien was first a sommelier for more than ten years. His work took him on many trips through France and internationally, including Australia.

The ‘garage’ wine he was producing soon graduated to a fledging commercial operation, albeit still very small, and in 2017 La Ferme Viticole (The Wine Farm) was born.

Bastien organically farms three unique sites, totalling a minuscule 2.5ha. The farming is undertaken organically, using horse and hoe and manual labour and no additives are added in the winery whatsoever. Likewise, everything is bottled unfined and unfiltered. 

The resulting wines are energetic, uninhibited expressions of France's wild and beautiful south.

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Spotlight: La Ferme Viticole - 3 Pack


2020 La Ferme Viticole 'Beaux Plaisirs' Rouge


2023 La Ferme Viticole 'Libre Arbitre'


2021 La Ferme Viticole 'Monplaisir' Blanc


2020 La Ferme Viticole 'Novesque'
